Links and Photo Credits


Photo Credits

Pundarika whole-heartedly thanks the following photographers for their enormous contribution to the beauty of this site through the use of their photos:

Marvin Moore (, James Gritz (, Nathaniel Dorsky, Olivier Adam, Jonathan Finegold, Kathie & Tony Barrs, Ani Konchog Lhamo, Jampa Kalden, Urgyen Dolma (Birgit Janssen), Richard Heckler, Alan Rabold, Mark Kane, Ben Rosenzweig, Joann Slivka, John Reeves, Sofia Abboud, Jonathan Gross, Tenzing Paljor, Neil Hogan, and so many others for contributing their exquisite photographs that added so much beauty to this site!

All photos on this website are under copyright by Pundarika Foundation as of 2007. No photos (or text) may be used or reproduced in any capacity without the direct permission of Pundarika Foundation. Please contact regarding permissions.

Partner Credits


Pundarika Foundation is supported by the Zapier app platform.

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