Personal Retreat Opportunities in Crestone
Yeshe Rangsal and the high mountains of Crestone have been blessed by many great dharma masters over the last half century, a partial list which includes: Adeu Rinpoche, Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, Mingyur Rinpoche, Choegon Rinpoche, Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, Thrangu Rinpoche, Gangten Tulku Rinpoche, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, and the 16th Karmapa.
Also, this land has been a place of retreat, prayer and gathering of medicines for thousands of years by Native American elders, some traveling as far away as northern Canada and what is now Mexico City in the South. And it is a sacred home to many of the world’s great spiritual traditions who have established centers and monasteries here.

Personal Retreat Information
There are two options for lodging at Yeshe Rangsal. There are three retreat cabins and one retreat house.
Yeshe Rangsal Retreat Cabin | Yeshe Rangsal House
The Yeshe Rangsal House has easy access, is more comfortable and spacious inside than the retreat cabins, and has a large full kitchen and a bathroom with a shower and bathtub.
Our first retreat cabin, the Dharmakaya Cabin, was named and blessed by Rinpoche in 2017. The second cabin was named Yeshe for “wisdom” and the third was named Nying-je for “compassion.” All are ready for use. The retreat cabins are located on the Yeshe Rangsal retreat land along a ridge that has expansive views of the San Luis Valley, Mount Blanca and the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Below is a slideshow of the retreat cabins and surrounding Crestone area so you can experience what it might be like to be on retreat:
Pundarika Foundation was very fortunate to inherit the beautiful house at the entrance of the Yeshe Rangsal retreat land from Tsoknyi Rinpoche’s long-time student, Jim Creighton. Tsoknyi Rinpoche has blessed this house and it is now open to retreatants. The Yeshe Rangsal Retreat House has two bedrooms and one bath, and is very spacious with high ceilings and full windows looking out into the piñons. An outside stairway takes one to a deck where you can see in all directions, from Mt. Blanca to Poncha Pass. Jim was in life-long retreat in his house for 20 years, so it is permeated with tranquility. The house is especially conducive to those who may have a harder time navigating the inclines leading to the cabins, or who wish to retreat together with another.
- You must be a student of Tsoknyi Rinpoche or other qualified Dzogchen/Vajrayana masters and have received pointing out instructions from them.
- Have maintained a daily meditation practice for at least one continuous year prior to the retreat for which you are applying.
- Willingness to abide by the Five Precepts during the retreat:
- I take as a training precept to refrain from taking life.
- I take as a training precept to refrain from taking that which is not freely given.
- I take as a training precept to refrain from sexual misconduct
- I take as a training precept to refrain from unwise/unskillful speech.
- I take as a training precept to refrain from intoxication that clouds the mind.
Rinpoche has taught that retreat time is very precious and an opportunity to deepen our awareness. He recommends four meditation sessions a day of at least two hours, to practice ngondro, yidam, mindfulness, mind-training, Dzogchen and Mahamudra. The two-hour sessions do not include reading or writing, doing yoga, hiking, chi-gong or other activities. Retreats are in silence and not a time for social activities.
You can be flexible with the eight hours and may do an early morning three-hour session and then a lesser amount for a later session, or vice versa. But you are asked to commit to eight hours of practice per day. Rinpoche has said our needed breaks (e.g., bathroom) during practice sessions should “never let our cushions cool off” (with the exception of prostrations, of course.)
As part of your retreat, we ask, if you are able, to participate in daily offerings to the land protectress, Dorje Yudronma, and to help keep her shrine clean. This involves walking on a moderate trail to the Yudronma Shrine and making a simple offering of a flower, a cup of tea, or just your mindful presence.
Duration | Retreat Cabin | Yeshe Rangsal House | Yeshe Rangsal House Double Occupancy |
Added cleaning fee** | $65 | $110 | $135 |
1 week | $260 | $336 | $403 |
2 weeks | $510 | $659 | $790 |
3 weeks | $750 | $969 | $1162 |
4 weeks | $980 | $1267 | $1519 |
5 weeks | $1201 | $1553 | $1862 |
6 weeks | $1413 | $1828 | $2191 |
7 weeks | $1617 | $2092 | $2507 |
8 weeks | $1813 | $2345 | $2810 |
9 weeks | $2001 | $2588 | $3101 |
10 weeks | $2181 | $2821 | $3380 |
11 weeks | $2354 | $3045 | $3648 |
12 weeks | $2520 | $3260 | $3905 |
**** Please bring a check for the cleaning fee. The registrar will be in touch with you about the name of the payee. Cabin fee: $65. Yeshe Rangsal House fee single occupancy: $110. Double occupancy $135.
- $125 for cancellations 1 month or more before the retreat start date
- No refund for cancellations within 1 month of the retreat date
Also, because of unforeseen events, Pundarika reserves the right to cancel reservations, in which case a full refund will be given.
Retreats can be for a minimum of one week and a maximum of 12 weeks. Retreats begin on a Saturday after 3 pm and end on a Saturday before 11 am. During the annual August/September teachings in Crestone, neither the Yeshe Rangsal House nor the cabins are available. They will be used for the Retreat and Land Managers during that time.
Applications will be accepted for personal retreats scheduled up to one year in advance.
Cabin and Yeshe Rangsal House occupancy by retreatants is limited to 12 full continuous weeks in one calendar year. There must be a three-month break after 12 weeks to afford cabin availability opportunities to other students.
Crestone has four distinct seasons, all beautiful in different ways. In fall and spring you can experience many seasons in one day — sunny skies, intense rain, and hail or snow. Spring tends to be more windy, sometimes fiercely so. From mid-June through early August there is usually a heavy concentration of mosquitoes, making sitting and walking outside uncomfortable. In the spring of each year (typically May and June), there is some light gardening at the three cabins and Yeshe Rangsal House. The gardener will be quiet (no power tools) and respectful of the retreat atmosphere, but each retreatant will have to choose if this is OK for the type of retreat they are doing. The estimated time each month of work on the gardens will be approximately 10 hours a month from 8 am to 10 am. The winters are cold and clear. Summers are comfortably warm, but you can expect sudden and powerful lightning and thunderstorms. To get a better sense of the historical weather patterns go to:
Please check the availability of the Pundarika Retreat Cabins and the Yeshe Rangsal House on the calendar below. The minimum length of retreat is one week and the maximum length is currently 12 weeks. Check-in for retreats is on Saturday after 3 pm and checkout is on a subsequent Saturday before 11 am.
To apply for retreat, please click Application for Personal Retreat.
Application Process
Please click here to access the online application materials. In the Application, you will be asked to affirm that you have read the FAQs (this section).
Once your application is received, you will be notified by email that we have received it. Once reviewed, we will send you an email as to whether or not the application is approved so you can plan accordingly. If approved, we will include a payment link for the deposit and fees.
Preparation for Retreat
- Create a preparation checklist for yourself in advance, including time for the transition going into retreat and out. Because you will be in a remote and somewhat isolated area, it is important to have everything you need before beginning the retreat. Let those close to you know you will be out of touch and how to contact you in an emergency.
- It is important for you to have an operating cell phone while in retreat in case of emergencies or to contact our staff. WIFI is available in the Yeshe Rangsal House. WIFI at the cabins is currently unreliable.
- If you need cell service when away from the cabin or Yeshe Rangsal House, confirm with your cell phone server before you arrive that your cell phone will have coverage in Crestone. If your cell phone won’t have service here, we recommend that you purchase a trac phone from a convenience store for your stay.
- An emergency contact name and number will be sent to you when your retreat registration has been confirmed.
Please bring a check for the cleaning fee. The registrar will be in touch with you about the name of the payee. Cabin fee: $65. Yeshe Rangsal House fee single occupancy: $110. Double occupancy $135.
For directions to Crestone, see: and click here for a detail of the locations of the Retreat Cabins and the Yeshe Rangsal House locations.
Find your way to Moffat on Route 17. From Moffat, drive south and turn left onto County Road “T” toward Crestone (if coming from the south, turn right just before Moffat). Drive about 14 miles toward Crestone and on your right will be a large sign for the Camino Baca Grande, just before you get to the actual town (an Information Kiosk is near this turn).
- Retreat Cabins (1118 East Badger Road, Crestone): Take Camino Baca Grande for about 2 miles and turn left and go up Hilltop Way for about one-third of a mile. Turn left onto Chapparal Way for about 300 yards, and where the road turns right onto East Badger Road, drive straight ahead through the large Tori Gate with the sign “Yeshe Rangsal.” The Support Building is on your left at the end of the driveway.
- Yeshe Rangsal House (1119 East Badger Rd, Crestone): Take Camino Baca Grande for about 2 miles and turn left up Hilltop Way. Turn left onto Chapparal Way. The Yeshe Rangsal retreat land Tori gate is straight ahead. The Yeshe Rangsal House is directly to the right of the gate.
Where Do I Park?
Long-term parking for the cabins is in the parking spaces near the tent. The Retreat Caretaker will show you where this is and will be available to help carry your belongings to your cabin. At Yeshe Rangsal House you can park in the driveway. If you are in retreat during the winter, please bring a windshield scraper for snow and de-icing spray, and make sure your tires meet ice and snow requirements. If you need to unplug your car battery for longer stays, please see what is required for your vehicle. Should we have significant snowfall, we will have the driveways plowed.
No public transportation is available in Crestone.
Check-in time is on a Saturday after 3 pm and check-out time is also on a Saturday, before 11 am. We will contact you before your retreat begins to confirm your arrival and departure times.
Check-in: We will greet you at either Yeshe Rangsal House or at the Yeshe Rangsal Retreat Land upon your arrival for orientation.
You can track the local weather at: and Colorado road conditions at
Due to Crestone’s high altitude at 8100 feet it is very important to maintain adequate hydration. There are deer, coyotes, elk, foxes, bears, mice, mountain lions and other animals living around Crestone, so please do not leave food outside the cabins, Yeshe Rangsal House or in your car. Here is some advice on being with bears: and with mountain lions:
Finally, please be aware that there is a high risk for fires in Colorado. To be safe, please do not have outdoor fires, including smoking. Familiarize yourself with evacuation routes from your place of lodging. Evacuation procedures can be found in each cabin and in Yeshe Rangsal House.
Here is a list of the things in each Cabin:
A twin bed with comforter, sheets and pillows, a large zafu (8” buckwheat fill) and zabuton, chair, altar, camp lantern, kitchenware, pots and pans, fireplace and firewood, double hotplate, toaster oven, small refrigerator, blender, first aid kit, cleaning supplies, soaps (laundry, hand, shower and dish), water, ax, and matches. WIFI is unreliable in the cabins.
Each cabin has a small bathroom with a shower.
Here is a list of things in Yeshe Rangsal House:
Master bedroom with a full size bed. Second bedroom with a single bed. Comforters, sheets and pillows, towels, large zafus (8” buckwheat fill) and zabutons, chair, altar, camp lantern, kitchenware, pots and pans, stove with oven, microwave, refrigerator, blender, first aid kit, cleaning supplies, soaps (laundry, hand, shower and dish), bathtub with shower and filtered water. WIFI is availalbe in Yeshe Rangsal House
The altars in the retreat cabins and Yeshe Rangsal House have a Buddha statue, Pundarika chant book, offering bowls, a picture of Rinpoche, the lineage tree and Dorje Yudronma.
Here are some suggested items to bring for the your retreat:
- Medications (Please be sure to bring an ample supply of your medications. The nearest pharmacy is in Alamosa, which is approximately an hour away.)
- Water bottle with a secure-fitting lid
- Layered clothing (We can have many “seasons” in one day.)
- Sturdy shoes and slippers (Closed-toed shoes due to cactus)
- Extra blankets and/or sleeping bag
- Rain/snow gear
- Practice materials
- Flashlight/headlamp and extra batteries
- Backpack/Daypack
- Camera
- Cash or credit card for groceries
- Cash or check for the cleaning fee
- Toiletries including lip balm and lotion for the very dry air
- Sunscreen, hat, sunglasses (even in winter)
- Mosquito repellent/bite relief cream, non-scented (but only for June through August)
- Shawl or light blanket for early morning/late evening sitting
- You may bring tea candles and incense. Candles must be small and in a tin holder.
Please do not bring pets. Also, there is no visiting by friends or relatives during the retreat.
Karma yoga is a daily aspect of every retreatant’s schedule. Keeping the cabin, common spaces or the Yeshe Rangsal House clean is an essential part of doing your retreat. Cleaning products will be provided for you to keep your retreat space clean during your stay.
Laundry can be done at the Retreat Support Building. Yeshe Rangsal House has its own washing machine and dryer.
We have two grocery stores in Crestone, one of which is a health food store.
You may receive packages while in retreat at this address:
Your Name
C/O Yeshe Rangsal
1118 E. Badger Road, Unit 57
Crestone, CO 81131
Trash from the cabins and Yeshe Rangsal House can be left in the bear-proof trash bin at any tme. The retreat caretaker will show you the location of the bin when you arrive.
Place recyclables in a separate plastic trash bag and place beside the trash bin before 8 a.m. on Wednesday, the day trash is picked up.