

All retreats must be approved by Pundarika Foundation, and your application is pending until it is reviewed by the Retreat Committee.

I. Qualifications

Solitary retreat in a remote area, especially for longer periods of time, can be a very powerful and opening experience and can also present challenges. With this in mind, Tsoknyi Rinpoche has developed the qualifying criteria for all applicants:

  • You must be a student of Tsoknyi Rinpoche or other qualified Dzogchen/Vajrayana masters and have received pointing out instructions from them.
  • Maintained a daily meditation practice for at least one continuous year prior to the retreat for which you are applying.
  • Willingness to abide by the Five Precepts during the retreat:
    • I take as a training precept to refrain from taking life
    • I take as a training precept to refrain from taking that which is not freely given
    • I take as a training precept to refrain from sexual misconduct
    • I take as a training precept to refrain from unwise/unskillful speech
    • I take as a training precept to refrain from intoxication that clouds the mind


II. Application Process

  1. To apply, first check our calendar of availability.  Retreatants must arrive on Saturday after 3 pm and depart on a subsequent Saturday before 11 am. The minimum retreat duration at this time is one (1) week and the maximum retreat duration is twelve (12) weeks.
  2. Next, submit the Application (see button at bottom of Application form). Please review the application carefully before actually submitting the form, as your information cannot be saved.
  3. You will be contacted within two weeks after a completed application is received concerning the review results. If approved you will be sent a confirmation with an invoice. Please see the Personal Retreats FAQ for pricing and payment information. There is no cost to apply.
  4. After the application is approved you will be sent a request to sign the waiver and release. To preview the waiver and release, click here: WAIVER AND RELEASE.
  5. Please send any questions you may have to

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