Dreamlike Journey: a documentary film by Sofia Abboud
(see links below for free streaming and download!)
In October 2011, Tsoknyi Rinpoche went on a pilgrimage with a group of his students to some of the Buddhist holy sites in India, Nepal and Bhutan. Dreamlike Journey is a recollection of that trip, a visual journal requested by Rinpoche and done by his disciples.
The film takes us to the inauguration of a nunnery in northern Nepal, walks us through the places Lord Buddha taught more than 2500 years ago, and shows pilgrims’ ceremonies in some of the most sacred caves of Bhutan.
There are inspiring teachings by H.H. Gyalwa Karmapa, H.E. Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche Yangsi, and of course Tsoknyi Rinpoche.
(For more information visit www.dreamlikejourney.com)
Our Gift to You ~ Free Streaming and Download of Dreamlike Journey:
Free streaming (play):
Free download (hyperlink):
Our Next Film Project
At the request of Tsoknyi Rinpoche, we are now working on a new project—a documentary feature film on Khamtrul Rinpoche, head of Khampagar Monastery, and one of Tsoknyi Rinpoche’s main teachers.
The Khamtrul Rinpoches, among the most prominent masters of the Drukpa Kagyu School, are considered to have been the principal architects of the lineage in the Kham region of Eastern Tibet. Through their attainments and due to their work for the enlightenment of all beings, the successive incarnations were great masters, examples of perfect knowledge of the teachings and practices, as well as the ideals of the bodhisattva.
In 1969, the 8th Khamtrul Rinpoche re-established Khampagar Monastery at the feet of the Himalayas in North India, as the heart of the Tibetan community Tashi Jong, where Tsoknyi Rinpoche spent 13 years during his early training.
The film will describe the activities of the 9th Khamtrul Rinpoche; delve into the tradition of the renowned Togdens—realized yogis that follow the style of Milarepa; the Shedra or Institute of Higher Studies; and the monastery itself with its famous Lama Dances.
We hope this may be a window to appreciate the richness of the contemplative tradition of the Drukpa Kagyu, and its vast altruistic work.
We are at the fundraising stage and have reached more than half the estimated cost, thanks to the generous donations by a few sponsors and past sales of Dreamlike Journey. Please help us complete the amount needed for this wonderful project to be materialized.
Donations can be made via PayPal to dokhampamovie@gmail.com
For more information please contact us at dokhampamovie@gmail.com