“Simply let experience take place very freely, so that your open heart is suffused with the tenderness of true compassion.”
A Taste of Liberation – In Person
- Sep 05 - 11, 2025
Event Label
Tsoknyi Rinpoche
For over 30 years Tsoknyi Rinpoche has been teaching students worldwide about the innermost nature of mind in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Born into a family respected for its spiritual attainments, he was identified by the 16th Karmapa while still a small child as the third Tsoknyi Rinpoche. His teachers include some of the most renowned masters of Tibet. Widely recognized as an outstanding meditation teacher, he is the author of three books: Open Heart Open Mind, Carefree Dignity, and Fearless Simplicity. Tsoknyi Rinpoche teaches worldwide at more than 50 retreat centers for monks and nuns who follow his spiritual direction. His most current humanitarian project is completing a large school for impoverished young girls in Nepal with both Western and traditional buddhist educational curriculums. His personal warmth, humor and compassionate attention greatly enrich and enliven his teaching.
Read More at https://tsoknyirinpoche.org/rinpoche/

This open retreat is appropriate for both beginner and advanced students alike, and has no prerequisites for attendance. The curriculum follows a progression through Tsoknyi Rinpoche’s Fully Being practices, including Dropping, Handshake, Essence Love, Gentle Vase Breathing, Shamatha, and Vipassana. It typically culminates with Rinpoche giving the pointing out instructions to nature of mind, and follow up teachings on Dzogchen-style meditation. While the subjects may be familiar to those who have received teachings from Tsoknyi Rinpoche before, Rinpoche is constantly updating his teaching methods and perspective, offering new practices and teachings with each successive retreat.
Registration for this retreat will open on Monday, June 2nd, at 2pm Eastern Daylight Time (time conversion)
The entire registration process, including payment of fees for the program and lodging at the Garrison Institute will be handled by the Garrison Institute. A link to the registration page will be posted here before registration opens, and will also be emailed to everyone subscribed to our email list. See www.garrisoninstitute.org for more information.
Registration will take place on a first come, first served basis. Due to increasing demand year over year, we suggest you register as soon as possible once registration opens. The Garrison Institute is an all inclusive venue, with room to lodge 165 people on site in a combination of single rooms, double occupancy rooms, and dorms. The fourth option is to be a commuter, and arrange your own lodging nearby. You will have to choose your lodging option at registration (prices below).
During registration, you will have to choose which lodging option you would like. Once each type of lodging option has filled, a waitlist will be created for that lodging option. Spots will be filled in a first come, first served manner as they become available due to cancellations. The waitlist will remain open until two days before the retreat starts.
The fee for registering with the Garrison Institute includes the tuition fee for Pundarika ($400), as well as lodging for six nights (September 5 – 10), and three vegetarian meals each day of the retreat. The price depends on which lodging option you choose.
Commuter – $1150
This choice includes daily meals, but assumes that you will arrange your own lodging offsite and commute to the Garrison Institute each day.
Single occupancy – $1540
Your own room with a shared bathroom
Double occupancy – $1390
A double occupancy room with twin beds, as a single you will be paired with someone of the same gender. Shared bathroom.
Dorm – $1300
There are a few rooms with 3 or 4 beds, paired with people of the same gender. Shared bathroom.
For cancellations made at least a week in advance of the start of the retreat, Garrison will assess a $65 cancellation fee. For cancellations made within a week of the event, in addition to the $65 processing fee, Garrison will assess a fee of $40 per day for the length of the retreat to cover their direct costs for food, which will have already been ordered. Refunds will not be given for cancellations made after 4:00 p.m. the day before the start of a retreat.
In an effort to make sure the dharma is available to everyone, the Pundarika Foundation is offering scholarships to those in need for this retreat. Both partial and full scholarships will be awarded, based upon the need of the applicant and Pundarika Scholarship Funds.
Please contact us before the registration opens if you are in need of a scholarship. We will send you an application, which will be reviewed by Pundarika staff members. If you are awarded a scholarship, you will be given a coupon code to receive an appropriate discount when you register. Those who receive a scholarship must still register for the retreat with The Garrison Institute, and will still be accepted to the retreat on a first come, first served basis.
To apply for a scholarship, please email Andy at registrar@pundarika.org.
Some lodging options will be held in reserve for Buddhist Monastics. If you are an ordained monastic and are planning to attend this retreat, please email Andy at registrar@pundarika.org.
Onsite check-in will be from 3:00 – 6 p.m. ET on September 5th. Pre-check-in instructions will be emailed from the Garrison Institute the week of the retreat. Dinner is from 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. ET, followed by orientation in the Main Meditation Hall at 7:05 p.m. The first teaching session with Tsoknyi Rinpoche will be from 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. ET.
There will be two teachings each day, lasting for an hour and a half, as well as three group meditation sessions daily, a daily recap of the teachings, and an opportunity to ask Rinpoche practice-related questions during a small group audience.
A detailed schedule will be sent to retreatants several weeks before the retreat begins.
Rinpoche has requested that students attend all the teaching sessions throughout the retreat to gain the most benefit from the teachings. This also helps us build a container as a sangha for this short time together.
This retreat formally ends on the evening of September 10th. Departure and packing day is September 11th.
For information about the Garrison Institute, please visit the Garrison Institute website: https://www.garrisoninstitute.org/about-us/
Garrison Institute offers free shuttle transfers from the Metro-North train station in the town of Garrison, to the Institute. This shuttle service will be provided for all trains that arrive between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. ET on September 5th. The Metro-North Hudson Line train runs from the Grand Central Station in Manhattan to the local Garrison train station. For the train schedule visit: https://new.mta.info/schedules/metro-north-railroad
QUESTIONS? Please contact Andy at registrar@pundarika.org.
Date & Time:
Sep 5, 6pm - Sept 11, 9am
In-Person and Online
Registration opens Monday June 2 at 2 pm EDT (time conversion)
There are no prerequisites for this retreat
Adam Kane (English)
In-Person: English | Online: English, Spanish, German
The Garrison Institute, www.garrisoninstitute.org
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