In-Person Crestone Open Retreat
With Tsoknyi Rinpoche
August 20 - 26, 2024
The application process is now closed, and the waitlist is full.
Registration for the online streamed retreats will open on May 1st at these links:
Intro Open Steamed Retreat
Advanced Open Streamed Retreat
TEACHINGS: Tsoknyi Rinpoche
This is an open, silent retreat with no prerequisites. Pointing out instructions are typically given at in-person open retreats.
A new registration process will be implemented for the Crestone in-person retreats. The process will consist of two steps: an online application followed by a review of applications and selection based on criteria we are currently developing. We are implementing this new system because of the increased interest in Rinpoche’s in-person Crestone retreats.
Acceptance will be based on a model of random selection, with preferential weighting (e.g. for members, and new students). For more information and FAQs for members, monastics, scholarships, etc., please see the Crestone retreat application FAQs:
The application process is now closed.
Onsite check-in will be from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. MDT on August 20th at the Yeshe Rangsal tent site.
Orientation begins in the Yeshe Rangsal tent at 4:30 p.m. followed by the first teaching by Tsoknyi Rinpoche at 5:15 p.m. There will be one 2-hour teaching, a recap of the teachings, and four meditation sessions daily. Each retreatant will be able to attend one small group audience with Rinpoche to ask practice-related questions.
The last teaching is on August 26th.
Pundarika offers a limited number of partial and full scholarships for this retreat. Persons needing financial assistance are required to complete the retreat application form between February 1 – 15, 2024. See above. If accepted into the retreat, we will notify you of your scholarship award by March 1.
For more information about Crestone retreats, please visit:
Crestone Retreat Information
Crestone In-Person Retreat Application FAQs
Participant Information
The Membership Program Library has many full retreats and guided meditations.
Rinpoche also offers an in-depth and practical online course on how to develop a grounded body, open heart, and clear mind: Fully Being,
Should you have any questions about this retreat, please contact the Registrar, Susan, at:
For over 30 years Tsoknyi Rinpoche has been teaching students worldwide about the innermost nature of mind in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Born into a family respected for its spiritual…
Learn more about Tsoknyi Rinpoche