Organizational Announcement

Dear Friends and Students,

I wanted to update you on an organizational change with our two United States organizations, Pundarika Foundation and Tsoknyi Humanitarian Foundation (THF). After multiple discussions with both boards and more specifically with their directors, Owsley Brown and Esteban Hollander, I decided in my role as President (Pundarika) and Chair of the Board (THF) to merge THF into Pundarika Foundation. The boards and directors were in full agreement with this change beginning January 1, 2024, when we met in September 2023 in Crestone.  

Since 2014, THF has more than fulfilled its main purpose, which was to help fund the construction of a new home for the Tsoknyi Nuns in Nepal. This project has been completed and is a cause for celebration for all the hard work making it a reality.  We are actively planning a consecration in the next few years (dates to be determined and we will announce them far in advance).

Now that we have the facilities to educate, house, feed, and care for over 350 girls and women, we have shifted our efforts to ensure we can sustain the nuns well beyond my lifespan through building an endowment. To accomplish this goal most effectively, Pundarika Foundation will fully integrate the mission and values of THF. The current Board and staff of THF will be shifted to Pundarika.  For those of you who have a connection with Owsley Brown, Julie Green, Michael Kunkel and Babo Harrison, it’s important to know they are all actively working within Pundarika for the nuns.

This “shift” will help us all move in one direction without the unneeded complexity of two organizations with separate banking, income and expenses, investments, databases, boards and staff roles and responsibilities.  Also, simplifying like this will allow more clarity in our communications in the future.

Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Chair, Board of Directors
Pundarika Foundation U.S.

Message from the Board

We are all happy about the new opportunities this union will provide to support Rinpoche and the Tsoknyi Nuns in all of their activities. From our hearts, we would all like to thank you for your continued support. Together, may we continue to help Rinpoche’s teaching and humanitarian activity flourish in the world. And may there be peace and happiness for all beings in this coming year.

Pundarika U.S. Board of Directors

Merger Questions & Answers

What is a merger in this context?

On December 31, 2023, Tsoknyi Humanitarian Foundation (THF) will cease to exist as a separate nonprofit organization [501(c)(3)] and will merge into the Pundarika Foundation.  Current THF board members have already become Pundarika Foundation board members, and all of their activities will be administered by the Pundarika Foundation.

Under the guidance of Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Pundarika Foundation was established in 1994 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit religious organization and as a 501(c)(3) church in 2006 (FEIN No. 84-1295990). 

Will this change the way I make donations to the Tsoknyi Nuns? 

Pundarika Foundation will continue to provide support for all of Tsoknyi Rinpoche’s humanitarian activities, including the Tsoknyi Nuns. 

At least in the short term, we will maintain both websites ( and Donations made through either website after the merger will go into accounts managed by Pundarika Foundation U.S. The use of these funds is directed by Tsoknyi Rinpoche. Currently, his most urgent heart project is the Tsoknyi Nuns Endowment, so the majority of funds are going toward those efforts. We are almost 60% towards our goal of reaching $10 million. For more information, visit: 

Will this change the Prayer Requests process? 

The Tsoknyi Nuns Prayer Requests will continue to be administered by Pundarika Foundation U.S. Your donations for the Prayers and pujas go directly to the nuns. 

How will this affect the email communications that I receive? 

We will be combining our email lists after the merger, so depending on which organization you were initially subscribed to, you may receive additional communications. Our general areas of communications that you should expect to receive from us include:

  • News about Tsoknyi Rinpoche’s retreats and events
  • News about the Tsoknyi Nuns
  • Registration information for individual retreats
  • News about special projects that are important to Tsoknyi Rinpoche

What happens to my legacy gifts or recurring donations to Tsoknyi Humanitarian Foundation? 

The Pundarika Foundation will maintain selected THF financial accounts to serve as a repository for legacy gifts that are made payable to Tsoknyi Humanitarian Foundation. As the successor organization, Pundarika Foundation will administer these gifts according to the set of priorities established by Tsoknyi Rinpoche at the time of the distribution. 

Have more questions about the merger?

Contact Board Member, James Terburg, who is helping to facilitate this merger:


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